WelcomeOS Devlog #1

Hello and welcome to the first devlog of WelcomeOS. WelcomeOS is an Android ROM trying to look like the clone phones of the future. 

Currently, it has a few things in common with typical clone phones, first is really bad serial numbers, we didn't force it to be the usual 0123456ABCDEF. But instead, we've added an option for custom serial numbers.

Code to handle custom serial number

As you can see, it's reading from the build.prop, but you don't have to add a custom serial number to the system.prop, instead, we have another feature for you to add it in the device.mk.

You can just add:

WELCOME_CUSTOM_SERIAL := <your funny serial number here>

to your device tree's device.mk.

An example of the custom serial feature working.

Second, we've added a ringtone and notifications audio, you can hear them below:

Smoorezify (Notification)

Hard Work (Ringtone)

We also changed the boot animation and boot audio:

Lastly, here's our default wallpaper:

This wallpaper is actually from a clone phone SMOOREZ unboxed earlier called X21. You can see the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zc5-A57z_dU


SMOOREZ (for the idea, the audio and the wallpaper)

and all of SMOOREZ discord's member

My telegram group and 10or G development group for giving some suggestions

Lightningfastrom, DJABHipHop
